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Thank you - to an Ex

Written: December 3rd, 2013

So ... I made a commitment after Level One (we'll talk more about that later), to write/blog more, mostly inspired by Gary. But sitting at my parents house the other night, well into a glass of wine (or possibly a box), and a bag of pretzels -- Gillian FB'ed me and asked me to write a Thank You. Hhm.. well there's a ba-gillion people that I need to be thanking right now in my life but how do I narrow it down?

Well let's see... all the people that I've neglected over the last 3 years? Forgotted about, been mean to, took my anger out on, ignored, been jealous of, shut out of my life, not had time for, been in-authentic with, used for selfish reasons, had fake relationships with, not been honest with, haven't been important enough in my life... I mean lets be realistic -- this is true. And if you're not admitting it (ok... I'll talk in "I"). I'm not admitting how real it is, so let's do that. Ok... let ME do that. Isn't that what a blog is for? I said I was gonna be honest on here. I also said I was going to write a lot and that hasn't happened yet so I'll at least try to do one of the two.

So here goes...

Probably the person that I hurt the most. And since you won't return my texts, I'm just going to have to communicate through social media. Hey it's 2013 that's just the way things are these days. After-all Social Media (FB) is why we broke up in the first place, right? Or a whole lot of other shit.

Oops... off topic -- this is a THANK YOU after all. Gillian - feel free to edit that part.

Thank you to my Ex Boyfriend.

THANK YOU --- thank you for loving me... for liking me... for being interested in me in the first place. Thank you for putting my 'background' aside and getting to know me for who I am (was at the time). Thank you for being sympathetic and listening to me when I talked about everything I'd been through just a year before. Thank you for trying to figure me out and figuring me out even when I couldn't figure myself out. Thank you for being more my friend than a boyfriend. Thank you for listening to me complain and worry and stress and cry. Thank you for talking to me on my walks home from school. Thank you for driving into center city and trying to find parking and getting your car towed just to see me. Thank you for flowers... ALL of the times. Thank you for coming with me to SC to watch me run the marathon, thank you for everything you did afterwards. Thank you for champagne, and for the coldest ice-bath ever and thank you for getting wasted afterwards because it showed how worried you were about me. Thank you for opening up your life to me and wanting me to be in it. Thank you for letting me into your family and group of friends. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for always taking good pictures of me even when I didn't want you to... example...

Thank you for loving my family and my friends and my extended family. Thank you for being in such a difficult and not typical type of situation and dealing with it gracefully. Thank you for your respect, past present and future. Thank you for building me up at the lowest point in my life. Thank you for being and sticking with me no matter what. Thank you for taking me back and trying it again. Thank you for talking about the future as if there was one. Thank you for sharing with me everything you did. Thank you for being brave enough to come up the mountains with my parents and my friends. Thank you for sleeping on the floor in the guest room because it was the right thing to do. Thank you for kidnapping me after my 20 mile run day and taking me down the shore with you. Thank you for making me do things and go out even when I didn't want to. Thank you for calling me your girlfriend even though I wasn't ready for it. Thank you for telling me how much you respected me and what I went through. Thank you....

Thank you...

Thank you.

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